"Liberty", Los Angeles Times in 2001, taken at Yan Khunis, Gaza
The ground below trembles.
With the rumbling of a thousand creatures.
The footfalls of numerous demons.
As I meet the distant horizon.
Fantasy meets reality in my eyes.
The world changes with every mile.
Green to black, and then to pure white.
As I move on tirelessly without respite.
The waters churn over sprawling mountains.
Fires below shoot embers, ruby red, and rain
Them into the moist blue air.
enraptured by the weightlessness, I glide, overpowered.
Over uncharted territories I soar gently away.
With the sublime beauty beneath to keep my horrors at bay.
No known destination, just beautiful sights and a mysterious aura.
Enduring all catastrophes, unlike me, moving on with all her troubles.
Over uncharted territories of freedom I fly on.
No wish to ever stop, no memory of where I belonged.
Making my way over the alien lands.
Beautiful, transcendent, deep and overwhelmingly free.

What an amazing poem man! Something it portrays, But so many other things it conveys. All the pictures you choose for your poems are great too!
@Sayak :
Thanks a lot, buddy.
Very powerful write. Somewhere portrays the essence of freedom.
@Aaushi :
Thank you.
Yes, freedom is what this poem is all about. It is always there in our dreams, but it happens to elude us often.
awesum post buddy......
nd u really hva strong vocab nd sense of belonging to wad u r writing.....
cheers :)
@The Aspirant :
Thanks mate.
My vocabulary, however, is actually quite limited.
Thanks again. :)
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