3 places I would pack my travel bag for -
- Rome
- Athens
- Paris (if I have special company!)
3 on screen characters I love to watch -
- Heath Ledger as The Joker in The Dark Knight
- Elisha Cuthbert in The Girl Next Door
- Brad Pitt in Fight Club
3 moods that describe me best -
- Energetic and lively
- Pensive; even quiet while I'm thoughtful
- Argumentative
3 things I always think of doing on a weekend, but never did -
- Study or work; basically do something productive.
- Clean my room. I end up doing that on a weekend evening when it's just too dirty to live in.
- Wake up early; I do try, though.
3 things from my childhood that I can't forget -
- My Labrador Retriever, Snoopy. I loved her.
- All the insane masquerades.
- My closest friends.
3 things I would never say no to -
- Writing or a good read.
- Music.
- A good movie.
3 things I can't live without -
- Music.
- Something to write on and something to write with (I must write. I'm quite addicted to it).
- Friends.
To you who I'm passing it to, you can tag as many people as you like! All you need to do is -
- Tag as many u want!
- Linkback to their blogs on your post.
- Do let 'em know they've been tagged!
So long.

all the three movie characters match with my list :D
That's pretty coincidental, huh? :D
Hey, why don't you take up the tag as well? :)
And I'm thinking I should have added a few more things for you, 'cause all seems to be sort of known to me!
Yeah, mate, you could have. But then, you'd need to update your post as well! :D
Interesting tag. Although I did something similar last year where one had to mention 8 things instead of just 3. It was a pain.....trust me. :P
Sammy, I'm certainly glad that didn't come to me somehow! Three is just fine! :|
Wow.. Everthin you wrote is so similar to the one I wrote for a friend..As they say great people think alike..!
You're right, Swetha. Birds of the same feather, indeed!
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