I stare into empty space looking for the unknown.
Feeling the emptiness I have inside me.
Devouring me from within, eating away my guts.
This was a few days ago, i needed to set her free.
My world seemed to crash upon myself.
But now I realize my efforts were not in vain.
The end is yet not near, but I am content with the now.
Because at this very moment I have been rid of all pain.
It feels just like a year ago when things had but begun.
The romance was new, a young beast awoken.
A powerful stallion, all else beneath it.
I feel it renewed within me, her voice has again spoken.
Lights are glowing brighter now, the night is not so dark.
As morn approaches, I write this verse watching my love smiling.
Hope impertinently whispering to me, has now spoken out loud.
I do not know what lies ahead, but I am joyous thinking
That very soon, everything must be perfect again.

To say the least its all so confusing right now!
I think I know what you mean, and yet I don't!
I'm not sure of what i mean either. it's strange, everything comes and goes soon after.
I like your only comment in this blog post.
Glad you do, Dimi. :)
Why do boys become unbearably cute lhasa apsos when they miss someone?
Pathetic! :P
I mean, look at that thing. I would pick it up, kiss it and keep it with me in my embrace.
And in the morning when he would peep his tiny head out, I would tuck it back inside my hug. :)
I've probably been more pathetic these recent times. :P :D
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